The most beautiful experiences in life are characterized by simplicity. 
Falling in love, fathering a child, laughing, enjoying a meal or natural spectacle.... 
Why should inner peace or self-love have to be achieved through effort and discipline? When is something simple, perfect and just beautiful? When our mind is maximally inactive and awareness not in the way. 

States of peace, self-acceptance or all-encompassing love cannot be conceived or worked out in the classical sense. They must be felt. For our physical biochemistry, regularly felt. Once you are in possession of the tricks that lead to awareness and immediate feeling in the now, releasing you from all that you are not, you are instantly connected and therefore FREE! 
To experience this state does not require years of practice of spiritual practices. Also no belief set reprogramming or psychological reappraisal of the past. Surrender, (i.e. letting go), pure realization, felt truth and recollection of childlike innocence are completely sufficient to reawaken the "Rebel Buddha" in you. Inwardly equanimous and silent like a Buddha, people who go their very own way often seem like rebels on the outside. 

Retreats Seminare Rebel Buddha Meditation Yoga Erlösung Frei werden Spiritualität Coaching Healing
Retreats Seminare Rebel Buddha Meditation Yoga Erlösung Frei werden Spiritualität Coaching Healing Chez Zen Center

Pia Isabel Rössle

Born in 1981. 
The business psychologist, who grew up in Chile and Germany, founded the popular retreat center "Chez ZeN" in the south of France in 2015.
Intense awakening experiences in her twenties led her early on to conduct interdisciplinary research into scientific evidence for spiritual phenomena, in order to be able to bring them more comprehensively to the mind-oriented Westerner. 

With 25 years of meditation practice, holistic trainings and extended stays in India, Isabel Rössle has developed her own healing meditations and theta healings that have long-lasting, trauma healing effects as they involve cellular consciousness and brainwave levels. 
The goal of her practices is to enable her clients to independently reproduce what they have experienced so that healing processes can manifest. 
Isabel Rössle has developed various seminar concepts (among others "Rebel Buddha") which are basically focused on an effective time-benefit ratio and the involvement of the body-mind system in order to achieve optimal transformation processes in a relatively short time. In all her seminars, you will find periods of silence. They also include aftercare. 
Isabel has worked in Germany as a coach for educational academies, among others. 
Since she has been living in Spain with her daughter, she has been doing more telephone coaching. Public figures as well as managers are among her clients. Isabel Rössle adjusts her fees to the income of her clients, so that everyone can enjoy coaching and healing work. 


Pia Isabel Rössle
[email protected]

Retreatcenter CHEZ ZEN South of France

CHEZ ZeN, founded in 2015 by Isabel Rössle, is an established and comfortable retreat resort located in the picturesque Gascony region of southwestern France. The 2.5-acre property sits on a hill at the foot of the Pyrenees and offers breathtaking views of wide valleys dotted with poplars, vineyards, and sunflower fields. The beauty and endless expanse of nature provide peace and tranquility and the proximity to the pilgrimage site of Lourdes, the long summer season and the holistic and sustainable approach of the CHEZ ZeN Resort allow the implementation of a wide range of events for retreats, festivals, fasting cures, seminars and meetings.

A large saltwater pool, sauna, fireplaces and proximity to a lake for swimming and hiking also contribute to physical well-being and deep relaxation. The tastefully and individually designed seminar rooms and bedrooms are distributed among the three buildings in the center, which also offers eight terraces for relaxation.